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[其他] 英文同人の常见注释缩写

发表于 2006-1-26 16:06| 字数 3,540 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

M = Male
F = Female
O = Other
OC = Original Character
OFC = Orig. Female Character

You can combine these codes to make pairings:

M/F = male/female
M/M = male/male
F/F = female/female
F/F/F = 3 chicks getting it on!
F/M/M = 1 lucky lucky woman and 2 guys
F/M+ = 1 woman and a bunch of men = Orgy/Gangbang


Anime Specific:

Posting Codes for Anime In General --

[Lime] -- some smut but no actual penetration or hardcore description.
[Lemon] -- Full out description of sexual acts
[Yaoi] -- m/m sex (basically hardcore)
[Shonen-Ai] -- M/M love stories (basically Soft core)
[Yuri] -- f/f sex descriptions
[Sho(u)jo-Ai] -- F/F love stories
[Xover] - Crossover
[NC] -- Non-Consentual
[AU] -- Alternate Universe
[Cont] -- Continuation
[SI] -- Self-Insertion (Sounds naughtier then is - also see Mary Sue)
[WAFF] -- Warm and Fuzzy Feeling
[YIFF] -- Anthromorphic Sex


Alt = Sometimes used for Female/Female pairings (see also Fem(me)Slash).
Anal = Er, duh
AU = Alternate Universe
BDSM = Bondage/Discipline/Sado-Masochism
B-M(od) = Body modification - piercing, tattooing, scarification, etc.
Beast = Beastiality (Puts "Man's Best Friend" in a whole new light, eh?)
B/D or BD = Bondage/Discipline (See also BDSM and BOND)
Bi = Bisexual
Bond = Bondage (See also BDSM and BD)
BP = Blood Play (Non-Vamp)
CBT = Cock/Ball Torture
CD = Cross Dress (Glen, or Glenda?)
CS = "Crime Scene" - menstrual bloodplay (Break out the raincoat, American Psycho)
DP = Double Penetration (Double your pleasure, double your fun)
D/s = Dominance/submission
Fem(me)Dom = Female Domination (usually topping a male sub)
Fem(me)Slash = Female/Female pairings. Sometimes referred to as "Alt" Fan Fiction.
Fet = Fetish(es) (..become you)
Fist = Fisting
Furs = Furries/Furry. Fans of anthropomorphised animals, unite!
GB = Gender Bender (anime)
Gen = Heterosexual M/F pairings. Sen also "Het".
H/C = Hurt/Comfort (Why, my poor helpless, sexy, (wo)man, may I sponge bathe you?)
Het = Heterosexual M/F pairings. Sen also "Gen".
Humil = Humiliation (Please don't make me show the class my panties, teacher!)
Inc = Incest (..is best, put your sister to the test..)
Mary Sue = Inserting ones-self into the story as an OC to "get" the Main Char. (See SI - Self-Insertion)
MC = Mind Control (you are getting very sleepy, take off all your clothes)
M-Preg = Male Pregnancy. (hooray for the possibilities of fiction!)
Minor = Minor involved - Keep yer noses clean w/this one pholks - disclaimer!
N/C = Non-Consensual (forced sex/rape) (This is Fantasy Fiction!)
Nec = Necrophilia - non-Vamp (Great on a hot day)
OC = Original Character
OFC = Original Female Character
Oral = Oral sex, male or female
Ped = Minor involved - Keep yer noses clean w/this one pholks - disclaimer!
Plushy = Plushophiles - people that enjoy have sex with stuffed animals. Offshoot of Furries.
Pony = Pony Play (sub set of BDSM)
Preg = Pregnancy (can be non-con)
PWP = Porn without Plot/Point (Why not?!) note: originally meant Plot? What Plot?
Racist = By request. If you have a serious story that may deal with this theme, please use it.
Rim = Rimming (Dictionary.Com Says: Vulgar Slang. To perform anilingus on.)
RPS = Real Person Slash (Actor Fics)
Scat = Poop Play (!!!)
Ship = A strong, ongoing relationship shared by two characters.
Shipper = Fan(atic) extremely dedicated to a particular ship. (ex: Buffy + Angel FOREVER!!)
Slash = Male/Male fiction. It is believed the "/" gave Slash it's name. See also "Fem(me)Slash" & "Alt".
Slave = Slavery - usually sexual and usually Non-Con in this connotation. (Unhand me, you well-muscled Viking Brute!)
S/M or SM or S&M = Sado-Masochism (See also BDSM)
Solo = Masturbation
Sp/Spank = Spanking (You've been a VERY naughty little....)
Tent = Can't forget the Tentacles...
TG = Transgender
Tort = Torture (does anyone else know any other Torture codes?
TS = Transsexual
TV = Transvestite (sweet!)
Toys = Sexual toys, vibes, dildos, etc
UST = Unresolved Sexual Tension
Voy = Voyuerism
VS = Vamp Sex
WIP = Work In Progress
WS = Watersports (urine play)
Xeno = Xenophilia (Sex with Aliens)
发表于 2006-1-26 16:09| 字数 15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-1-26 17:40| 字数 31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-1-27 14:08| 字数 34 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-30 00:11| 字数 170 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by at 2006-1-27 02:08 PM:


发表于 2006-2-21 10:35| 字数 89 | 显示全部楼层

p.s.在外國人眼中主動/強勢的那一方是攻, 而不是看誰在上面誰在下面
像我們的誘受對他們來說是攻...you know what I mean?
发表于 2006-2-23 09:36| 字数 37 | 显示全部楼层

尤其是長篇= =
发表于 2006-7-6 23:08| 字数 19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-7-10 20:12| 字数 224 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-7-11 09:41| 字数 39 | 显示全部楼层
- -楼上滴,握握手吧~ 不过我对DH的互攻标准可以在降低点~只要D主攻就可以~~
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