本帖最后由 vercy 于 2012-5-14 20:58 编辑
ART部分木有神马好说,Doris大人的图摆在那里,朗读居然有Draco's task。以下是Fic部分的……额,短评?跟蛋糕姑娘(就是corona_0304,这是个猛人啊,大家,扫文的速度和广度不是盖的,我第一次见过对LJ闹么了解的姑娘啊,赶脚绝对能对DH的发展做出应有的贡献ORZ )你一言我一语说了以后,我整理的,能合并的就合并了,不能的就两三句对话这样。反正一家之言而已啦,欢迎各位童鞋交流讨论。
Title: The Inner Lands
Author: lomonaaeren
Prompt: # 81
Summary: Harry wants to know why Draco Malfoy is a Sidhe. And why he's heading the Sidhe delegation that's threatening the wizarding world. But most of all, he wants to know why him.
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warnings: Angst, violence, some rather weird magic.
Word Count: 31,300
蛋糕:木有看 因为那一天我和同学一家出去了 囧,而且生物文嘛= =。
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Title: Like A Virgin (Touched For The Very First Time)
Author: rebeccaann08
Prompt: # 11
Summary: When Draco finds out Harry is still a virgin, he can’t help but try and rectify the problem. Harry just wants him to go away.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Harry/OMC (temporary)
Warnings: Very brief mention of emotional abuse (hello, Dursleys)
Word Count: 4,800
蛋糕: 这篇我爱!媒婆D虽然很烦人但是这种“死缠烂打”什么的XD最后自己亲自上马XD
vercy: 喜欢,虽然我一度怀疑Draco叫来的那个男人是他伪装的。其实他真的可以再死缠烂打一点的。
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Title: Cede
Author: bgd_thrifty
Prompt: # 21
Summary: It's hard being with someone who holds back from you and Draco has had enough on that score. He will not take, but Harry will give.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Warnings: Fisting, felching
Word Count: ~2500
Title: Together
Author: naturegirlrocks
Prompt: # 79
Summary: Harry and Draco have been together for a year, and they are doing just fine.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Warnings: implications of former bottom!Draco (not with Harry though)
Word Count: 3672
蛋糕:一般吧= =而且有讲到former bottom!D什么的,我记得就讲他们在一起的琐事?一起醒来的早上还是啥的?有猫。反正就是写琐碎的事情,没太多特色亮点
vercy: 一开始完全想不起讲什么了。额,让猫咪叫Harry uncle是我觉得唯一的萌点,Draco养只叫自己father的猫其实很违和啊><
Title: Peter Pan, the Outcast
Author: retha_helena
Prompt: # 65
Summary: Harry told himself that he had to help a Slytherin.
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warnings: Language, non-explicit sex
Word Count: ~11k
蛋糕: 彼得潘没看
vercy: 个么我就多说一点,这篇我也一般,最喜欢的反倒是Draco,也就是peter Pan出现的第一幕,属于战后对蛇院处罚得过重,蛇院白莲花的文。故事其实很完整,但是我觉得有点OOC,感觉Draco就算去当escort也不会去当小偷。
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Title: The Case of the Problematic Pheasant
Author: calrissian18
Prompt: # 102 - Harry Potter talks to snakes. Draco Malfoy talks to peacocks. Together they fight crime!
Summary: One week. One case. A whole helluva lot of trouble.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, some Ginny/Harry.
Warnings: Noir crack, explicit het (I have never done this before, I don't know why this happened) but this means there’s top!het!Harry. Neither Harry nor I can draw.
Word Count: ~20,000
vercy: 强推。这次fest我最喜欢的文。笑点萌点满棚,但又没有流于那种浅显的搞笑文,一开始以为是桩闹剧,渐渐才知道原来每个人都别有深意。Harry和Draco的性格都很饱满,案件也算扑朔迷离。一切围绕炮灰的Blaise少年展开。不知道孔雀是不是梗里要求的,作者用得太亮了,Draco说他自己是Pavusmouth的时候,我完全不行了XD。
蛋糕:没看= =不过近期应该会看,因为是第一人称嘛><
Title: A Faint Stir of Madness
Author: 9fn432
Prompt: #10
Summary: Draco loves arse, in particular, he’s taken with Harry’s arse, but actually getting near that arse is impossible and it’s driving Draco mad. Cue UST, cock-tease Harry and scheming females, will Draco win Harry over?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Warnings: pretty much PWP, boysecks (obviously)
Word Count: ~10K
vercy: 这篇还行,但是还木有到rec的程度,故事神马的比较完整,潘西和赫敏的红娘。看简介我觉得简介说明了一切,木有更复杂的内容。
Title:Normal Is the Watchword
Author: lamerezouille
Prompt: # 38
Summary: This story is about love and family and yes, maybe it’s not supposed to be about Jamie exactly, but Draco and Harry are very stubborn and Jamie’s just a kid, you can’t expect him to completely extract himself from a story he’s actually living, right?
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, and multiple canon pairings in the background.
Warnings: Past mpreg (nothing graphic) and a wee bit exhibitionism.
Word Count: ~30k
vercy: 可以看看,小孩子的视角,觉得大体上有点像绊,不过觉得木有绊好看。关键是小孩子不是那么的可爱。Draco是Hogwarts的老师。
蛋糕:这篇也没看 因为还是第一人称啊= =!
Title: Old Enemies
Author: tigersilver
Prompt: # 41
Summary: Down in the Basilisk’s Chamber, trapped in mild peril, Draco Malfoy arrives at a pleasant revelation concerning old enemies. Specifically: it’s always best to keep them close at hand.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): D/H
Warnings: Eighth Year, so AU; implied EWE. None, other than that
Word Count: 8,500
蛋糕:也没,这篇我记得纯粹是因为PG-13,-L-因为我一直觉得无攻受的文不一定会被写得【有攻受】,然后特别是名单公布后= =知道是tigersilver的之后我更不想看。一直觉得这种D本命党都是D受多的。
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Title:Chasing Dreams
Author: fantasyfiend09
Prompt: # 69
Summary: Draco can't remember much of last night. Was it part of some nefarious plot? Or has he forgotten the best night of his life?
Rating: NC-17 to be safe
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Theo/Hermione
Warnings: slight dub con (spell/alcohol use), bondage, rimming, and swearing
Word Count: 8,000
Vercy: 嗯哼,这篇我也觉得好看的,虽然木有神马太令人意外的情节,也是一步步很流畅的发展完了。
Title: As Much As I Want You
Author: hpstrangelove
Prompt: # 147: Draco makes a private artwork of Harry to look at and enjoy. The last thing he expected was for Harry to discover it.
Summary: Draco creates a unique way to enjoy his fantasies of raping Harry Potter. When Harry finds out, he’s shocked – and aroused by what he sees.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warnings: Explicit fantasies of non-con, bondage, and BDSM. This story is somewhat dark, although the ending is hopeful.
Word Count: 6,495
蛋糕:一般= =就是假想狂嘛= =,虽然我觉得D那个potion(我忘记是不是因为魔药了?)是蛮新颖的idea的
vercy: 这篇我还觉着挺好看的呀,就是idea很新颖,照片不仅仅会动,都发展成电影了。Draco是魔药制作工房主?Harry是管这个片区的傲罗,要提到里面有SM情节。不过我不清楚里面的sm情节是梗就带着的,还是作者加的?我觉着文里话,要说Draco喜欢S说得通,但是Harry能接受M比较突兀。
vercy: 喜欢一句话,If only this could be real. If only you could want me, as much as I want you。
Title: Spanner in the Works
Author: pretty_panther
Prompt: # 32
Summary: Astoria has dragged Draco to Australia for a different sort of holiday. With Australia's wizarding population being so spread out, the Malfoys find themselves in a Muggle bar, owned by one Harry Potter. Stunned, Draco decides he wants to know more, thinking he is the first to stumble across the other man since he left Ginny Weasley the night before their wedding.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Draco/Astoria
Warnings: infidelity
Word Count: 3456
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Title:Kisses are for Lovers
Author: kjmom1
Prompt: # 2
Summary: Draco is a high class prostitute famous for taking clients virginity and doing it with a tenderness and care so they feel loved. Harry comes to him for the same treatment.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, previous Draco/Neville and Draco/OMCs, side pairing Ron/Hermione
Warnings: prostitute!Draco, rimming, mentions of Draco with other males, randomly alive Snape, but only mentioned once in passing.
Word Count: 21,812
蛋糕:那个我也推啊,我就对一点不满 smaller!draco 其他都合我口味。包括D的“差别待遇” 只带H去他主卧,然后中间误解卖狗血。
vercy: 这次第二喜欢的,最爱这种明明两个人都喜欢但是相互拿不准纠结来纠结去的狗血桥段。我唯一不喜欢的在于,Draco还跟neville做过><但是escort!draco,还能写得完全top,是多么滴不容易啊。
蛋糕:我对D过去和谁做过没啥意见= =对啊!!!我也觉得这篇的D很top!!加分!
Vercy: 对了,里面有一句话Like what you see?,嘤嘤,不知道你们有木有这种感觉啊,看多了网络小说,有两句话一看到就很抓狂,一句是,我该拿你怎么办,还有一句就是,喜欢你所看到的吗^
Title: The Path Chosen
Author: fyernaice
Prompt: # 94
Summary: Trapped in the wild, Harry and Draco must put past differences behind, and learn how to survive with each other.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, mentions of Ron/Hermione, and Harry/Ginny
Warnings: bottoming from top!Harry (a tad bit dominant!Harry), explicit language, and male pregnancy (though nothing graphic).
Word Count: Approx. 32,500
Title: since feeling is first
Author: clearbluewater3
Prompt: # 47
Summary: Draco and Harry are in a relationship. Draco can’t help but think that Harry will leave him for someone better soon. That shouldn’t be a problem, it’s only sex after all. Or at least that’s what Draco tells himself.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Warnings: Language, angst and fluff
Word Count: 6,862
蛋糕:这篇我倒真的忘记讲啥了= =
Vercy: 这篇,就是一篇狗血文咯,Harry和Draco住在一起,但是Draco觉得Harry就是拿他当种马,然后又撞到他跟金哥在一起神马的,后面就惯常的误会,红娘,和好桥段。文很完整,但是我觉着两个人比较OOC,随便带入谁都行><属于看亦可不看亦可哦,我最不喜欢里面Harry这种烂好人,姑娘们,找男朋友绝对不要找这种对谁都好,然后不会拒绝的><
Title: Seeking: Draco Malfoy
Author: ashiiblack
Prompt: # 29
Summary: Harry knows Draco wants him, but is too nervous to do anything about it. He decides to place a sex ad to lure him in.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Warnings: PWP, rimming (Draco giving), D/s, BDSM, torture, rough sex, wall sex, SMALL amount of asphyxiation, “staged” dub-con, and I THINK that’s it.
Word Count: 3400 words
蛋糕:这篇也就是各种肉= =虽然D是幕后黑手有点腹黑。
Title: Wishing Candles (a.k.a. The Day My Children Appeared Before Me)
Author: emi_chirescue
Prompt: # 134
Summary: When two children suddenly appear on the Malfoy's doorstep, claim Draco's their Father, and their last names have an added hyphen of Potter, Draco's most coveted wish comes true. Too bad nobody's told Harry about this wish.
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13?
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warnings: Mpreg mention (BIG mention. Hello, there's kids?).
Word Count: 11,883
Vercy: 两个孩子出现在Malfoy家门口,说Draco是他们的father,Harry是他们的dad。穿越,未完结,Hermione和Ginny改姓Potter,Harry比较多愁善感,W家黑化,M家洗白,狮院除了破特三姐妹,和他宿舍里Ron之外的人黑化,蛇院Draco三人小团体,Blaise,Nott还有Pansy洗白。一句话总结,写完了估计适合拿去JJ冲V。
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Title: Grayscale
Author: cariceus
Prompt: # 66
Summary: Draco keeps to himself and doesn't talk. This hasn't been a problem for him in school so far, until for some reason he catches the attention of Harry Potter. Then life takes a (pleasant) turn.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry (obviously), mentions of Blaise/Pansy and Ron/Hermione
Warnings: None, aside from a gratuitous amount of fluff
Word Count: ~9,000
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Title: Randy Roommates
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt: # 27
Summary: Ron's rest is rudely interrupted by his randy roommates.
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Ron
Warnings: Drunken, sloppy sex
Word Count: 1200
Vercy: 嗯,就小甜文永远不嫌多。Ron和Harry是室友,只是后来又多了一个室友。
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Title: Once Upon A Fairy Tale
Author: writcraft
Prompt: # 115
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters(s): Harry/Draco, Ron, mention of Ron/Hermione
Summary: Ron Weasley has been missing for three months, vanishing during an investigation into the strange disappearance of a number of children. Draco and Harry take over the case and Draco is left to pick up the pieces when Harry goes missing. Finding an old book of fairy tales on Harry’s desk, Draco gets pulled into a fairy tale world where nothing is as it seems and he tries to discover what has become of Harry and Ron.
Content Notes/Warnings: Fairy tale, Romance, Humour, EWE
Word Count: ~8,500
Vercy: 这篇,我也喜欢的,特别开头到三分之二的部分,遇到Harry之前,我都觉得简直惊艳,只是后面稍微有点仓促了,这个比较遗憾。
Title: Sober, With Love
Author: pixiegerms
Prompt: #142
Summary: Harry downed the potion in one, pupils quickly dilating and his mind blissfully, gratefully drifting off.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Harry/Blaise, Blaise/Harry/Draco
Warnings: AU with Slytherin!Harry, underage sex, alcohol and major drug use (starting from age 14)
Word Count: 32,685
蛋糕:这篇我觉得结尾太仓促,其实蛮好的,我斯莱特林哈利文看得少,觉得这篇写得就挺好,包括drug的运用,就是结果2人都没戒掉,觉得太灰暗了那种日子=-= 虽然有给一个希望。我觉得不错,可以一看,喜欢Blaise的,可以来一发。写HP一开始在9又4分之3站台遇到的是BZ和他妈,然后就雏鸡第一眼的感觉巴巴暗恋上BZ了(虽然HP的第一任是CD……CD还要是个渣= =)然后DM是那种嫉妒心很强独占欲很强的那种-v-想尽一切办法破坏CD和HP,最终当然是DMHP一起了,中间有一段是DM/HP/BZ三人行
22. squick
Title: ALPHA MALE (let him run)
Author: megyal
Prompt: # 1
Summary: Draco has a secret that will probably rip his friendship and romance with Harry to shreds.
Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Draco/OMC, Pansy/OMC
Warnings: Spoilery: *Bestiality*; drug-use; some non-con; hints of bottom!Draco: I asked for modly advice and for this particular prompt it was acceptable. I tried to make it as off-screen as I could. The timeline is also very much out of order.
Word Count: ~9000
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Title: Speak
Author: literaryspell
Prompt: # 50
Summary: Draco is content in his submissive role with Harry happily dominating him… That is, until he isn’t anymore.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Warnings: D/s, rimming, mention of bottom!Draco
Word Count: 2200
蛋糕:雷雷雷,*Harry’s first time bottoming. 嗯……怎么说,这篇文是我此次活动中最最最不合我胃口的 一篇了,没有之一。H和D的关系是D/s,并且是dom!top!harry……所以各种被雷到。印象中这个作者还是稍稍有一点偏H受的但是这篇文真是让我要重新考虑下她的属性=-=
Title: The Crying Souls
Author: fyernaice
Prompt: # 42
Summary: Draco Malfoy is a Veela, and his mate is Harry Potter. However, circumstances are keeping the two apart, until one day the two collide.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Ron/Hermione
Warnings: some self-harm, slight D/s
Word Count: approx. 15,200 words
蛋糕:没看= =
Title: In Trance
Author: thrilladdict
Prompt: # 139
Summary: Harry turns into a cat and is looked after by Draco Malfoy. After a soul journey and much insanity, Harry finds himself completely smitten with the git.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry.
Warnings: cat!Harry, vulnerable!Harry, flangst, plot induced OOCness, hints of bestiality if you squint
Word Count: ≈18,000
5.14. 补上阿镜童鞋看完这文后滴评论:ehhh...nothing particular.
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Title: Let Me Have You and I’ll Let You Save Me
Author: frayach
Prompt: # 135: Draco enjoys pushing Harry to the darkness, but he is ultimately the one to pull him back to the light and finds light in himself at the same time.
Rating: R
Warnings: please note the prompt and the Author's Notes; darkish!Draco
Word Count: 6K
Summary: Draco keeps coming back, and Harry keeps letting him. Draco can’t stay away, and Harry can’t live without him.
蛋糕:很意识流、形式很美、用词很美的一篇。该说是这次活动最惊艳的一篇了(虽说我还有10篇左右没看但是就是提不起劲看=-=反而在补旧文什么的……)我太笃定fisting那篇是F大的了结果根本没猜这篇是她的!不过感觉上会写出这种风格的人实在也太少了= =
Title: You've Left Your Mark On Me
Author: kitty_fic
Prompt: #52
Summary: Everything Harry knows is tested when he gets turned on by accidental groping during a Quidditch game especially when accidental groping leads to not-so-accidental groping.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, brief mention of Ron/Hermione
Warnings: Draco gives Harry a blow job, come-play, talk of rimming, post-war EWE, virgin!Ireallydon'tthinkI'mgay!Harry, scar!kink
Word Count: 4380
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Title: Your Destiny, My Destination
Author: valinorean
Prompt Number: # 28
Summary: Life is a series of events that shape your past and determine your future. Ten years after the war, Head Auror Harry Potter accidentally travelled back in time where he met 18-year-old Draco Malfoy.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warnings: age disparity (roughly 18/28)
Word Count: 20k+
Vercy: time-travel文,Harry穿越,时间是到他跟Draco开始交往之前不久。怎么说呢,我对time-travel这一类文总是会有点混乱,例如这篇其实我是觉得穿回去的理由有点莫名其妙,然后我就会纠结要是Draco不事先知道他未来会和Harry在一起,会不会和Harry交往那么久,这种类似先有蛋还是先有鸡的问题。不过有求必应室有自我需求,让Harry来把它清理干净的梗还挺萌的。总之,文挺好看。
注个日期 5.13.