so freaking hot!!I love the situation at the beginning that a naked Harry sprawling on the grass( such a lure ) and Draco worried about him so much that jump into shower together (I believe he's deliberate to do so LOL) Sweet ending and poor Pensy
I can't be more excited when I see “I would very much like it if you would please fuck me right fucking now.” , and burst into laughing in "Relax, I’m not doing anything perverted"~~
oh~Parkinson's revenge gives a fantastic opportunity for Draco and Harry's meet
and a deepest ,clost touch and a kind of "comunication"
in the shower,**
Draco you desire of Harry is from the sixth is known by us**
OK..I find I like this type of article too much recently, it's too hot!!To be honest, it's very hard to read the sex describtion ,because you should have both fully knowledge and words..Pansy did a good job again to make Harry and Draco fall in love!Why I see her so cute! 总之这种有肉有爱有温馨的文文最可爱啦!萌萌~